Thursday, December 17, 2009


So quickly we rush to the throne of God carrying all of our cares and worries and laying them before Him. Our lips never stop moving and we unload ourselves onto Him. Now, there is nothing wrong with going to God and casting our cares on Him, in fact the Bible says we can, but often we forget the very real 2 way communication God longs for.

Listening is often forgotten, but is just as, if not more, important than the talking part. God is always talking and guiding. Whispering words of grace and love and sometimes we are talking to loud to hear them.

This is just an encouragement to shut your mouth and wait on God. Listen to Him, He is saying something that you need to hear...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Today could very well be your last day walking on the face of this earth. That is the constant reality we all face - religious or not. We have all questioned what is next, if there really is meaning to our lives.

We continually search for the one thing that can satisfy our deep longing for fulfillment, often using the next girl or guy that walks into our lives, or drugs, alcohol, or even learning. But every time we delve deep into our craving we feel the satisfaction for a time but then, like after a sugar rush, we crash. We hit the bottom and feel empty all over again so we head back to whatever it is we use .. girls, drugs, whatever.

At this point I would like to apologize for be so selfish. For years I passed by students and random people and said nothing. I was too selfish to tell you that I know the answer, I know what can satisfy.

In a world where we are taught that its all about you, what you can do for you, and to just leave everyone else on the side, we are seldom truly real about what is going on inside. We hate to think of our loneliness, emptiness, and brokenness even though they are frighteningly real.

Our inquiry about the future has led us nowhere the further we get away from God. To live as though there is no purpose is really not living at all. Fallen humans who are fallible and do incredibly foolish things need a saviour.

There is no other faith that offers the love that Christ does. God's love and grace is inconceivable to Muslims, His peace and tranquility surpasses Nirvana, His sacrifice and suffering baffles Jews, His creativity astounds scientists, His Lordship is longer and more powerful than any other king in history, His freedom brings life, and His passion for you is indescribable.

We all have faith in something, be it God or colliding hydrogen atoms. Just think about where yours lies. He is offering salvation, it is simply yours to take.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Amazing God.

I can very much relate to the difficulty Jews have with grasping Jesus as the Messiah.

When thinking about God it is so much more reasonable and understandable to think of Him as the Big Judge up in heaven looking down giving us right and wrong. Knowing God as a holy law giver is so much easier than knowing God as the one that Loves.

The love that the Bible offers is one that is unfathomable to highest degree and when I ponder it, I often end up frustrated and burned out. It makes absolutely no sense how God works. The grace of God that covers all sins makes even geniuses feel like fools. How could such a perfect God who cannot be around sin extend such grace so the we might know Him. It is truly amazing.

I really cannot even begin to write about it, it seems impossible to start, let alone describe in such a way that you might glimpse it. I know I have seen it at work in peoples lives, in how they are transformed, or how they love god back so deeply, but in my spirit I can feel the yearning to explain this love, but my language restricts my tongue.

Then how do we know this love? That is the beauty of God. He comes to have a personal, deeply intimate relationship with us. We can search for years, question and doubt, and be the best theologian with a knowledge of God and yet still never know God. "For the fool says in his heart there is no God." Psalms 14:1.

I don't really believe God cares whatsoever about how you intellectually know Him. Now don't get me wrong, biblical knowledge is critical, but to intellectualize God takes away His beauty and grace and love and His extreme unfathomability.

Growing up in the church can easily do that to people. Church kids have a great knowledge base of God but don't have a deep personal relationship with God. So as soon as anything comes against them God goes out the door.

WE NEED TO KNOW GOD, not from our heads but from our Hearts. It is the only way to really know Him, and trust me, it blows your mind. I am just beginning this journey of working all of this out and I have been completely amazed. I frequent find myself during my times of doing devotions I end up just singing "Your love is amazing!" over and over again.

I pray you begin to know God not from your mind but from the deepest part of your heart. It CHANGES EVERYTHING!