Monday, September 21, 2009

The Measure of a Man

What is the measure of a man?
Stature, success, knowledge. These are usually what the world defines a man. But what does the Bible say a man is...

A man is loving, selfless, responsible, respectable, honorable, strong, noble. But in what context?

He loves God with all his heart, everything he does, dreams, or desires, is what the Lord longs for him. He loves his wife selflessly, honoring her in everything he does; in speech, in action, in emotions, in finances, in everything. He loves his children; longing to be the example for his boys of a Godly man, and the standard of the type of man he wants his daughter to marry.

He, like Jesus, takes responsibility for sins (or issues) of his family even when they aren't his fault. He engages, gets involved. Takes the leadership of the home. He is the overseer of the covenant he was brought into by marriage. He loves like Christ loved the church.

He walks in complete integrity. Never hiding, never faking. When he struggles, he gets help humbly. When he speaks council, he lives it. Earning respect from his peers, but more importantly his wife and children.

He works as hard as he can, giving up all his "rights" to provide for his family. Putting down the remote, golf clubs, cars, etc, to ensure the provision of his family. He is the man, he works the field.

But what about us single boys? We don't have a wife or kids yet.

Then you,

You walk in integrity. Put in practice living the life you will want to live one day. Pursue noble character. Treat all women with respect and love, they are the daughters of God after all and deserve it. Love your wife now. Don't go looking for "a good time", don't hook up, don't feed your brain with porn and lustful thoughts. Have some self control. Take captive every thought. Learn to appreciate a women, for more than beauty. Your wife will be your equal and helper, not your object.

Seek the Lord at all times, longing to do His will. A real man can make the hard choice and stick with it. A boy dies when it gets to hard. A man understands influence and strives to be the best he can, a boy lives for himself.

Only a man can love a women, it is not a boys world. There are too many 40 year old boys walking around. It's time for some growing up. Get accountable, pursue integrity.

The measure of a man is simply loving God, loving his wife, loving his kids, and living with integrity. You will fail, you will fall, but how will you get back up? Humbly working to be better? or like a little boy crying and whining, blaming everyone else?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

God loves Atheists

God loves atheists. He loves the rapists, the pedophiles, the abusers, the drunkards, the cocaine addicts, the prostitutes, the porn stars, the murderers, the exploiters, the manipulators, the liars, the cheaters, the adulterers, the homosexuals, the arrogant, the selfish, the disobedient, the foolish, the man consumed with rage, the women that hates her body, the suicidal, the insecure, the ones filled with hate, the promiscuous, the drug lords, the sex traffickers, the racists, the sexists, those who support abortion, those who do abortions, the scammers , the frauds, the fakers, and the deceivers; just to name a few. We must begin to understand that God's love isn't superficial, isn't understandable, isn't conditional, and isn't limited. He loves us all the SAME. No sin is greater than the others in the context of eternity.

"For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God." Romans 3:23 (NIV)

Some sin have greater physical consequence, that is easy to understand. You wouldn't want to spend the night alone with a murderer, or rapist. But in the view of eternity, we are all same. A "small" sin is a "big" sin, when standing before the Lord.

So what does this mean for us? If we are to emulate the love that God has for humanity, it means we MUST love all those sinners; from the rapist to the liar. So love. Love big, Love well. God does for you.

Monday, September 14, 2009


By faith and grace alone are we saved. Not by any righteous deed can we claim salvation. As Christians this is the truth by which we live. Isaiah said that our righteous acts are like filthy rags before God. John Wesley in his writing mentions that any good work we do is not by our own merit but by the grace of God allowing us to do so. That literally every good work is a gift from God. One line I loved that he wrote was "we will never be able to trust the merit of Christ until we renounce our own."

Bur here is where the problem begins, the understanding of salvation through faith and grace allows men to twist and distort the greatness of God. They take for granted grace and even give themselves license to do as they wish. But hear the words in Hebrews...

"If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know him who said, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," and again, "The Lord will judge his people."It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Hebrews 10: 26-31 (NIV)

If we, after gaining the knowledge of Christ - through the grace of God - continue to deliberately sin, it says there is no sacrifice for sin. What does that mean? Does it negate the grace which God operates in?

It cannot. After all these are words from the bible, and although it may seem in direct contradiction it is truly not. We are not perfect; that is easy to understand. But here, clearly God states he has some expectations for our lives.

I believe what is being said here is simple. If after receiving salvation through grace, we deliberately abuse and degrade the gift Christ gave us, we are in essence blaspheming God. In the passage it talked of how much more sever the punishment is for those who trample on the Son of Man. Why does he use that imagery? It could be said that, in the act of "trampling on" we are quite vividly rejecting, but also despising the Son of Man. And this is where eternity hits us in the face.

There is heaven, there is hell. One aspect of our lives is living for one of them. Jesus himself said that the way is narrow that leads to life and only few will find it. Some might even say that means the majority of lives are headed to hell - including 'Christians'. Although a fear based doctrine is at the core wrong, the essential knowledge of eternity is needed. Whether we like it or not, there is reward and punishment. And I believe that God is saying, that only by His grace we are saved, but when we, without a repentant heart, purposely abuse his grace, we are shooting ourselves in the foot. Again I say, we are not perfect. So the inevitable sin that we as humans commit is not being referenced here, but rather the disregard for the Cross.

Examine yourself. Do you make choices based out of an abuse of grace, or a thankfulness for it. God is so huge, so paradoxical that we will never understand Him. But heed the words in Hebrews. DO NOT TAKE GRACE FOR GRANTED. If you have, as I have, repent. Make right the relationship with God and go on; strong in the faith.

Be blessed today. May the light of God's face forever shine upon you.

Friday, September 11, 2009


As I lay in my bed last night, I finally began to realize the great truth that the more one comes to know God the more he realizes there is so much he doesn't know at all. The vastness of our creator is at the least astounding. So then the question that jumps around in my mind is, why do we settle for so much less? God has revealed himself as the all powerful, all knowing, untamable, uncreated, awesome, incomprehensible and loving God of the universe, yet we think what we know is somehow good enough?

As soon as we let our minds convince us that we "know" God we are deceived. Yes, God is extremely relational and close; in that sense we are called to know him, but with the finite brain we have, we will never really know our God. For as soon as we can grasp God He is no longer God. If anything can be grasped within the human mind than it is easy to call it man made. And that's where the greatness and even humor of our God lies. We can never fully know God, but this was put in place on purpose.

We can all understand the concept of a cube. A six sided, 3 dimensional square. We created it. In the human mind it was discovered and brought to be. It has its limits within our understanding, but God...He is completely the mind shattering God. I find myself literally with a hurting mind after talking about God for long periods. Simply because I cannot comprehend it all. I hate it! I want to know all that I can, but thats where God steps in and says you can't, it's literally impossible.

In all our attempts at explaining God, we can clearly see the divisions it had caused. No man can deny that disagreements on who God is and what He wants is what causes the most disunity between believers. So then the next question seems to be, why do we get hung up on trying to define the undefinable? Paul said that it doesn't matter who you follow, what matters is the central unifying understanding that Christ died for our sins and rose again.

Our personal interpretations of the will of God for personal conduct and right living should never get in the way of our loving everyone. So often we find Christians in quarrels over "this is right and this is wrong". I will say, these discussion can be often fruitful and necessary, but when these overrun our lives the whole point of the Cross is lost. For by grace alone are we saved.

I urge you today to put aside all your presumptions about the rules and regulations and just be in unity with other believers. For the rest of our lives people will always disagree with what we think, there will continue to be arguments and quarrels, but let us not forget how we all got here...the love poured out on Calvary. When disagreements arise let us sit back and ask if this is producing any kind of fruit or are the words you speak just worthless. Love on somebody, that is our goal and Christ's command.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


"[T]o grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:18b-19 (NIV)

The love of our God will never be understandable. It will never be comprehensible. It will never be graspable; and Paul is very aware of that great truth. But yet we find him encouraging the people of Ephesus to continue trying to grasp it. Even further we can understand that Paul is later in life when He wrote this letter, being in the faith for many years and always growing to understand God in deeper ways more than maybe anyone; yet he still says there is so much more of Gods love that needs to discovered. Paul uses these terms of human measurement to help us understand the greatness of God's love but he never limits it in any way. In fact we know that he is trying to get us to picture the unmeasurable quality of Gods love.

But Paul goes on to say that we might KNOW the love that surpasses knowledge. What does it mean to know the love of God. Clearly it has been portrayed as an infinite, incomprehensible thing. But Paul hear gives us and even deeper insight into the love of God. That in fact it is KNOWABLE; but so great that we will never completely understand it. God's love is a paradox in itself. So vast and great and unknowable, but yet very intimate, close, and in fact knowable. Now seriously try to think about that.

I also believe that Paul had much deeper meaning when he wrote "to know this love that surpasses knowledge." Being in university now, the thirst for knowledge is undeniable when walking the halls; and being a Theology major the hunger for more knowledge about God is evident within myself. But its just another link to 1 Corinthians 13, I could obtain all the knowledge in the world about God, everything everyone has learned but yet, without understanding the love of our Lord it all is for not. What would be the point of Knowing about God if I do not act in the knowledge of His love. Love is what changes things, this has been a reoccurring subject in many of my recent posts simply becasue God has been revealing more and more about its importance, especially with its battle against knowledge. This battle has been being fought in me for a long time. I have always loved the study of God, to try to know him, but in doing so I became caught up in being able to quote the bible and theological theories that, with great shame, I neglected the heart of God. But amazing is our Lord. As I have wrote about before, this summer opened my eyes to the great truth that, although knowledge is good, LOVE IS MORE EXCELLENT. As paul puts it in 1 Corinthians 12 "a more excellent way". And now I can fully say how true this is! Yes, I still have my great set backs, like everyone else, but I know that God is tugging at my heart and making it break for the things that break His.

Never neglect the pursuit of knowledge. But more importantly never neglect the pursuit of His love.

May you be blessed abundantly today with awe and wonder of our Gods great love.

Friday, September 4, 2009


God is God and we are not. This is very true. We cannot see into the future, we certainly do not know everything there is to know; but yet we find ourselves believing we know what is best. As I have talked to many people of late I have encountered a common theme in some of their ideas. That theme is that they try to literally define God to benefit their choices. Commonly used is the phrase, "if He loves us so much..why...". As is in why doesn't He let me do this or that. Why do I feel this way. Why are there trials that I face.

But what we fail to see is that the Lord is sovereign. Everything that God does or allows must happen. This stretches from the rules He has put in place to the events that take place in our lives. When one comes to realize the vastness of this concept, life changes. By that I mean, when we even start to comprehend that God is literally in complete control, who are we to worry about anything?

Now, we as humans sometimes escape the will of God and He uses situations to bring us back into it - to get our attention back on Him. Money is a huge issue in this case. Are we tithing? Are we giving generously? God tells us to test Him with our tithe. In Malachi, God says He will open the flood gates of heaven and pour out so much blessing we will not be able to contain it. This is His promise, but that doesn't mean we all live according to it. God says this is what could be if you do as He asks. Give money, even when you don't have it. And if you do have it, give all the more.

That was just one example. But another aspect of the sovereignty of God is that He requires, and quite frankly deserves, complete obedience; even when contrary to our own longings. Everything we have is literally a gift from God. This includes our passions, desires, longing, pleasures, and dreams. Understanding this also helps when God asks us for things. We must put God's will before our own desires. Love his pleasures over our own. In God's timing all the desires of your heart will be given to you; but that's exactly it, in HIS timing. When He asks us to do something, even when it will hurt, we must do it for we are to trust Him completely. He knows us better then we know ourselves. We are to be living sacrifices. So sacrifice; everything. Relationships, desires, aspirations, pleasures, gifts, dreams, even every breath we take.