Monday, September 21, 2009

The Measure of a Man

What is the measure of a man?
Stature, success, knowledge. These are usually what the world defines a man. But what does the Bible say a man is...

A man is loving, selfless, responsible, respectable, honorable, strong, noble. But in what context?

He loves God with all his heart, everything he does, dreams, or desires, is what the Lord longs for him. He loves his wife selflessly, honoring her in everything he does; in speech, in action, in emotions, in finances, in everything. He loves his children; longing to be the example for his boys of a Godly man, and the standard of the type of man he wants his daughter to marry.

He, like Jesus, takes responsibility for sins (or issues) of his family even when they aren't his fault. He engages, gets involved. Takes the leadership of the home. He is the overseer of the covenant he was brought into by marriage. He loves like Christ loved the church.

He walks in complete integrity. Never hiding, never faking. When he struggles, he gets help humbly. When he speaks council, he lives it. Earning respect from his peers, but more importantly his wife and children.

He works as hard as he can, giving up all his "rights" to provide for his family. Putting down the remote, golf clubs, cars, etc, to ensure the provision of his family. He is the man, he works the field.

But what about us single boys? We don't have a wife or kids yet.

Then you,

You walk in integrity. Put in practice living the life you will want to live one day. Pursue noble character. Treat all women with respect and love, they are the daughters of God after all and deserve it. Love your wife now. Don't go looking for "a good time", don't hook up, don't feed your brain with porn and lustful thoughts. Have some self control. Take captive every thought. Learn to appreciate a women, for more than beauty. Your wife will be your equal and helper, not your object.

Seek the Lord at all times, longing to do His will. A real man can make the hard choice and stick with it. A boy dies when it gets to hard. A man understands influence and strives to be the best he can, a boy lives for himself.

Only a man can love a women, it is not a boys world. There are too many 40 year old boys walking around. It's time for some growing up. Get accountable, pursue integrity.

The measure of a man is simply loving God, loving his wife, loving his kids, and living with integrity. You will fail, you will fall, but how will you get back up? Humbly working to be better? or like a little boy crying and whining, blaming everyone else?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike,

    I really appreciate what you're doing with this blog! I love the matter-of-fact style you wrote this post in. Thanks for the reminder on how to go about measuring myself as a man.

    Nathan G.
