Wednesday, September 9, 2009


"[T]o grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:18b-19 (NIV)

The love of our God will never be understandable. It will never be comprehensible. It will never be graspable; and Paul is very aware of that great truth. But yet we find him encouraging the people of Ephesus to continue trying to grasp it. Even further we can understand that Paul is later in life when He wrote this letter, being in the faith for many years and always growing to understand God in deeper ways more than maybe anyone; yet he still says there is so much more of Gods love that needs to discovered. Paul uses these terms of human measurement to help us understand the greatness of God's love but he never limits it in any way. In fact we know that he is trying to get us to picture the unmeasurable quality of Gods love.

But Paul goes on to say that we might KNOW the love that surpasses knowledge. What does it mean to know the love of God. Clearly it has been portrayed as an infinite, incomprehensible thing. But Paul hear gives us and even deeper insight into the love of God. That in fact it is KNOWABLE; but so great that we will never completely understand it. God's love is a paradox in itself. So vast and great and unknowable, but yet very intimate, close, and in fact knowable. Now seriously try to think about that.

I also believe that Paul had much deeper meaning when he wrote "to know this love that surpasses knowledge." Being in university now, the thirst for knowledge is undeniable when walking the halls; and being a Theology major the hunger for more knowledge about God is evident within myself. But its just another link to 1 Corinthians 13, I could obtain all the knowledge in the world about God, everything everyone has learned but yet, without understanding the love of our Lord it all is for not. What would be the point of Knowing about God if I do not act in the knowledge of His love. Love is what changes things, this has been a reoccurring subject in many of my recent posts simply becasue God has been revealing more and more about its importance, especially with its battle against knowledge. This battle has been being fought in me for a long time. I have always loved the study of God, to try to know him, but in doing so I became caught up in being able to quote the bible and theological theories that, with great shame, I neglected the heart of God. But amazing is our Lord. As I have wrote about before, this summer opened my eyes to the great truth that, although knowledge is good, LOVE IS MORE EXCELLENT. As paul puts it in 1 Corinthians 12 "a more excellent way". And now I can fully say how true this is! Yes, I still have my great set backs, like everyone else, but I know that God is tugging at my heart and making it break for the things that break His.

Never neglect the pursuit of knowledge. But more importantly never neglect the pursuit of His love.

May you be blessed abundantly today with awe and wonder of our Gods great love.

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