Saturday, October 3, 2009


And I saw the King seated on the throne. His crown shimmering gloriously, and the train of his robe extending all the way down to me. He began to extend His hand out to me, so I tried to grab it. I couldn't reach. I used all my might, jumped, hollered, I did whatever I could even for just a brief grasping of His hand. But nothing, I couldn't reach. I turned in anguish, dismayed I ran the other way, tears flowing down my face, embarrassed and lost.

Then from the Kings right hand side came running His son. The Prince was running after me. I felt Him tugging at my cloak, bidding me to turn around. I turned to see a man, with fire in His eyes, but it was as though the fire burned for me, it was soothing yet terrifying. He took my hand, and reached for His fathers'. He could reach both sides. He uttered to me that this was His purpose, this is what He did for me and instantly we were brought to the middle of a cosmic battle.

Bloody and scarred I saw the Prince fighting a million enemies. Laughing and tormenting Him all the while He stood taking blow after blow until finally He fell, and a loud growl roared from the enemy. They all began to jump on the fallen Prince, as almost to devour Him. Their leader called his legions to retreat so that he could have the final blow. As he walked over he put his foot on the Prince's head, "Today, I have dominion" I heard roll off his tongue. Then I saw it, I saw the Prince's finger began to twitch...He was alive. Was it all a plan? Did He lure the evil one to Him? The evil one noticed just as I had and with a shriek he summoned his legions back on the Prince. But they couldn't pin him down, and like a nuclear blast, a radiant light shown out from the middle of pile, blowing the evil one and his legions in every direction. Thats when I saw the Prince standing victorious. All the evil one's warriors hid their faces and ran from the Prince, but the evil one did not. He began to laugh, almost as if to mock the Prince. But thats when the Prince pulled out the keys, and the evil one's face dropped. He began patting himself down, to check for the keys for he was in denial. The Prince walked over to the evil one and proclaimed, "My Father has dominion, not you." and with that He kicked the evil one right in the chest and I watched him almost fold in half from the blow and fall to the ground. The Prince turned to me, with that fire in His eyes and even a grin on His face for He knew what He had accomplished.

We were back in the King's court, the moment when the Prince extended His hand. When I realized what the Prince had done for me, how could I not take His hand? Before I grabbed it He said, "We offer you all of us, for all of you. Every piece of your heart, the good and the bad, and the parts that you hold as secrets. Come follow me, do as I command. I love you and gave my all for you. You will at times forget me, reject my law, and live in rebellion, but my Love covers you. But give me all of you, your dreams, gifts, freedom and rights, and I shall give you life, and life to the full."

I grabbed His hand with all that was in me. Giving my life was an easy trade in for an audience with the King. The illusion of freedom I had to surrender was nothing compared to spending eternity in the light of His glorious face.

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