Monday, November 9, 2009


Desperation isn't a sunday morning emotion but a every second state. Christians love to use the phrase "I am desperate for God." This to is usually said in a sunday morning service. The question then is what does desperation look like? Because I think it's not how most of actually live.

des·per·ate - Having lost all hope; despairing. Marked by, arising from, or showing despair: the desperate look of hunger; a desperate cry for help. Reckless or violent because of despair: a desperate criminal. Undertaken out of extreme urgency or as a last resort: a desperate attempt to save the family business. Nearly hopeless; critical: a desperate illness; a desperate situation. Suffering or driven by great need or distress: desperate for recognition. Extremely intense: felt a desperate urge to tell the truth.

Hopeless, despair, hunger, reckless, extreme urgency, last resort, suffering, extremely intense. These are just some of the words used to define desperate. And the state of desperation is define as recklessness arising from despair. These are huge words.

A hopeless, reckless, extreme, intense and urgent pursuit of God is what defines being desperate for him. That He is our only and last resort. That we pour everything we are, all our effort, laying down our own self for a glimpse, for a taste, for a second of Him - that is desperate.

We sang the well-known christian song Breathe by Michael W Smith, in church on sunday. The one that goes, "And I, I am lost without you, And I, I am desperate for you." But I found my mouth unable to utter the words. The Lord kept telling me to watch what I say. I knew that I wasn't desperate for Him, and if I wasn't why would I dare tell God I am and lie?

That is where God began to work on me. Questioning me, testing me. Asking me if I am desperate. Asking me what the even looks like. The worst part was realizing that I wasn't. But what hit me hardest is that many christians aren't and are not even aware of it.

To many of us walk around completely independent of God. We talk of our love for Him, we sing the songs and pray the prayers when people are around, but when we are all alone, or there are no christians around to make us feel bad, we delve into our own selfish way of life.

Desperation means we abandon everything we think we know, need, and want for God. We get rid of our twisted longing for freedom of authority and run to the throne room of our King. The Bible tells us that we are nothing if not for God, that He needs to be all we are and desire. David writes that more than anything in the world, He desired nothing more then God.

If you were hungry, you would do anything to get food. If you were wet, you would do anything to get shelter. If someone you loved was dying, you would do all you can to save them. You would be recklessly abandoned to your cause. That is what it means to be desperate for the Lord.

Recklessly abandoned to him and all HE REQUIRES OF YOU. Seeking His face with a passion that is unmatched by any other passion in this world.

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