Friday, May 22, 2009

The Most Important Thing is You!! ... Seriously

My ministry isn't this blog. My ministry isn't on the streets. My ministry isn't inside of a church. My ministry is ME. Everything I will ever do and everything I am, all depend on my relationship with God. That is my first priority. If I ever want to change the world, I need to spark a change in me. Only when I am close to God can I bring anyone else close to him. The same obviously goes for all of you. No matter where you find yourself, your relationship with God must and always comes first. When we get out priorities out of order everything else gets out of control. It is a simple concept, but it seems with God some of the simplest things are the most important. Your ministry is your relationship, everything comes out of that. Don't get caught up in the mindset that your vocation is your ministry. Changing peoples lives is the overflow of your relationship with God. Don't define ministry by the "work you are doing for the Kingdom". Ministry is not a job it's your life. If you want to have a successful "ministry" trying having a successful relationship. I don't think I can stress this enough, before anything else, marriage, job, money, kids, school, comes your relationship with God. I can see a time when all Christians are changing the lives of everyone they encounter; but that will only happen when we put the focus back on ourselves. I know what your are thinking..."Put focus on ourselves? I thought our focus was the non-Christians?" And that is somewhat true, we do need to have in our minds at all times the concern for the souls of all people, but how could we ever change them if we are so empty and fake? Everything begins with our relationship with God. You will know a healthy tree by its fruit. We know there are fruits of the spirit. Those fruits are produced when we are close to God, always living in tune with his spirit. And by living in tune with Him we will produce influence in others and begin to show God to them. At the beginning of the process is still OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. Christians nowadays put more importance on the conversion of others and let their own relationship with God fizzle out. The focus should be first and foremost always advancing our relationship with God. I pray that if you do not already have your priority for yourself that you make it one. And if you already have this as a truth in your life, than I pray you never let this die in you. May you bring God everywhere you go, walking with the Almighty and changing the people you interact with.

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