Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wise Joab

"Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people, and for the cities of our God: and let the LORD do that which is good in his sight." 1 Chronicles 19:13 (KJV)

These are the words of Joab the moment before a battle. The Children of Ammon and the Syrians were on the attack against the Israelites; just so you know the context. Joab starts of with an encouraging word, followed by a challenge to act valiantly and finally and most importantly, gives the battle over to God.

I find something very interesting here; Joab never asked that God helps them win. This can lead us in two different directions. First being that Joab had faith in the fact that God was already with them and had won the battle for them already. Or secondly, that Joab had complete trust in God that no matter the outcome he knew that it would be what was good in the eyes of the Lord. Both are very valid thoughts.

When thinking about the first train of thought we can gain courage in the fact that HE HAS ALREADY WON. Therefore there is no reason to worry. We are told that "we are more than conquerors". But than that begs the question why do we feel like we loose still? That we still fail and struggle in our battles? Easy! Joab still had to fight in the battle. Even though he had an understanding that God had already won he still met the opposing army with all the willingness to fight as if God wasn't with him. A lot of people tend to go into a battle with the mindset that God has won so I don't need to fight, but that is horribly wrong. In this story of Joab, he runs out to meet the Syrians, and in the act of taking up his sword and actually fighting the Syrians retreat. The enemy would have never retreated unless Joab took his army to fight. Are you actually fighting? or are you just sitting back doing nothing and expecting a victory? God wants action not laziness disguised as trust.

The second train of thought is one that is just as needed as the first. Joab trusted that no matter the outcome, no matter the circumstance, it would be what is good in the eyes of the Lord. In Romans 8 we find that "all things work together for good". It doesn't say that all things are good, but that God will work all things for good, and we see this in the attitude of Joab. I said earlier that Joab knew no matter how the battle turned out, even in his death, that he trust that God did was was right and good in His eyes. And because of this he didn't have to ask God for the victory, it didn't matter; he knew that no matter what God allowed or did had to happen. He was letting God be the master of the universe, and not expect anything else.

Does what Joab said have a place in your vocabulary? Do you say "and let the Lord do that which is good in His sight."? Or are you trying to have control? Know that God has already won your battles. Know that God still wants you to take action. Know that God does what He sees as good and will work out all things for good. I pray that these principles will become so real to you today.


  1. There is tremendous insight to the principles of God's Word which truly works in our everyday lives. Thanks Michael.


  2. Thanks Michael.... I am so blessed to see that you have excellent insight to the principles of God's Word. Continue to share it with others. Papa
